Monday, May 4, 2015

Mother’s Day Gift Idea: Making a Coupon Book with your Kids

Mother’s Day is right around the corner and if you have children, you might be struggling as a family with what to get the matriarch of your unit. Instead of the usual flowers, perfume, or bath soap, get her something a little more personal.  A coupon book filled with promises is a way for your kids to show mom how much she is appreciated and it’s something she sure to enjoy.

A coupon book should be filled with realistic promises like breakfast in bed, a backrub, car wash or a household chore.  In order for this to be effective, the key is to personalize the book according to what mom likes.  It also shows that it was created specifically for her and will make her feel more special.

It’s easy to give your kids a few bucks so they can go pick something out for mom from the store. Although great, store bought gifts lack the level of love and attention-to-detail charm that a homemade gift possesses.

Do-it-yourself projects like these can be done for other special occasions like birthdays or holidays. Your kids get an opportunity to utilize their creative skills while giving them something fun to do for someone they care about.  It teaches kindness, selflessness and patience.

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